Zhangpu County trademark registration process, trademark registration fees, how to apply for trademark registration.
Zhangpu County trademark registration process (common across the country), the trademark registrant provides a copy of the business license, trademark style (text or pattern), determines the specific goods or services to be applied for the trademark (determines the trademark category, conducts trademark registration Inquiry), our company arranges the trademark process department to conduct professional and systematic trademark inquiries to check whether the trademark can be registered and sign a trademark agency contract. The trademark process department prepares materials and submits them to the National Trademark Office. After submission, they will be issued by the Trademark Office in about a month. The acceptance notice and trademark review period are about nine months. If the trademark review is passed, it will enter the preliminary announcement period, and the preliminary announcement period will be 3 months. If no one raises any objection, the trademark can be successfully registered and the registration announcement will be 3 months. You can get the "Trademark Registration Certificate" at the left and right. The validity period of the registered trademark is years, calculated from the date of approval of registration. If the registered trademark expires and needs to be continued to be used, the registrant should apply for trademark renewal within one month before expiration. If the trademark continues to be used for years, the trademark can be renewed indefinitely.
For details, please call the service hotline (same number on WeChat) Address: Zhangzhou Wanda Plaza Apartment Building Room
How to register a trademark in Zhangpu County, the process of trademark registration, Wantong Trademark is at your service